Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011



     350 grams flour
     150 grams of rice flour
     125 grams potatoes, steamed, mashed
     200 grams sugar
     approximately 750 ml thick coconut milk medium, warm
     2 tsp yeast / fermipan
     150 gr butter, melted
     2 tablespoons cooking oil
     4 eggs


     Mix the flour and rice flour, sifted
     Beat sugar and eggs until blended, put flour, potatoes, fermipan, mix well
     Add coconut milk gradually, stirring until smooth flat * Do not be poured at once *
     Enter the melted butter, oil, and salt
     Allow the dough about 30 minutes to ride
     Heat the mold, basting with oil
     Stir the mixture until the foam disappeared, pour into molds, cover molds back
     Bake until cooked pukis, give us toppings as desired while hot, then cool

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